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Perfectly Lonely - John Mayer

I needed a good isolation song (sign of the times isn't it) but most of the ones I thought of or found were quite sad (or dodgy. You'd be surprised) and despite being Day One with another 9 to go of isolation (eeep) I am too excited for anything sad.

Arrived in London yesterday and while it was difficult to say goodbye at home, am really looking forward to the new adventure!

So the song..

Released in 2009, the song is about him being single but being fine with it - he knows that one day love will find him again and then he will be able to look back on all the past times it didn't work out and thank those experiences for leading him to the right one. However, for now, he is happy being alone and enjoying perfectly lonely.

So yes, to take a spin on this - while I am all alone in my hotel room, I am perfectly happy and content. It's been quite an adventure - travelling in the Covid world is an interesting experience. From socially distancing on the plane, trading complimentary socks for masks and gloves to navigating different kinds of paperwork to getting to my quarantine hotel and getting meals delivered in a brown bag, it's all been very new.

The hotel have been amazing, they provided us with online yoga classes, crossword books and are really looking after everyone. We are allowed out for quick walks around the car park for some fresh so took a little mosey earlier and was nice to see other humans, have a chat to the security who escort you outside and have a walk around. It's right by the runway so get to see the planes taking off.

While very possibly may go mad and start talking to the furniture by day 10 (the chaise longe especially looks like the strong silent type) - am having a great time. There is a beautiful freedom in being alone with nowhere to go for a bit (although am sure will be more than ready to be free soon). It's a good chance to catch up on sleep, have stuck in my headphones and jamming to some music, working on my course, chatting to friends and even did a bit of yoga so it's nice to have some time to catch up on these things, reflect on life a bit and just enjoy being perfectly lonely knowing that will get to see friends and family soon :)

Nothing to do
Nowhere to be
A simple little a kind of free

1 comentario

Frank Maloney
03 jul 2021

Another good one Claire, I didn’t know the song but it’s a goodie. Just a point- watch the grammar but enjoy the isolation.

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